Anton Mosimann: LIFE IS A CIRCUS

An autobiography


CHF 39.80

Son of a restaurateur and star chef, Royal Warrant Holder and licensed private detective, wrestler and holder of an honorary university doctorate, celebrity and father, Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) and rally driver: Anton Mosimann has lived several lives. “Life is a circus“ tells the story of how he learnt to cook from eccentric chefs de cuisine, has laughed with modest superstars, cooked for talented criminals, played the Swiss card game Jass with ebullient billionaires, philosophised with crowned heads and shared meals with cheerful homeless people. Honest but always with a twinkle in his eye, Anton Mosimann and his co-writer Willi Näf provide a unique insight into the world of the rich and famous and of life behind the scenes in the world’s top restaurants. 


Author: Anton Mosimann

1st edition 2018

404 pages, 24,9 x 32 cm, hardcover with dust jacket

With 403 images

ISBN 978-3-85932-903-4, CHF 39.80 / EUR 29.–

Der Bund 7 April 2018
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